Privacy Policy

  1. Dictionary

    • profile pages – pages of website, which are used to present the profiles and contact details of organizations represented by the users. Index of these pages can be found here:
    • organization – an organization represented by the user. All organizations listed on the website, are active on Jazdów settlement area, or are a part of Open Jazdow Partnerships.
  2. General Information

    According to EU Parliament and EU Council directive (UE) 2016/679, personal user data on this website is administered by:

    Open Jazdow Partnership
    Jazdow 10/5
    00-467 Warszawa
    NIP: 7010827495
    REGON: 380558414
    KRS: 0000737179

Open Jazdow Partnership is also the operator of website.

  1. Data collection methods

    Data on website is submitted directly by the service user, either by email, or telephone, or forms on the website.

  2. Scope of collected data:

    • Name and last name
    • name of the organization
    • physical address of the organization
    • email address of the organization
    • organization's phone number
    • website address of the organization
    • facebook page address of the organizacji
  3. Purpose of data collection

    The data is collected in order to provide content for profile pages

    This data is collected and handled with the user consent

  4. Data sharing

    The collected user data will be made public as a part of the content of the profile pages

  5. Contact

    In the matters regarding the user data, service operator will contact users through email or phone.

  6. Data modifications

    Every user has a right to modify or remove their data from the service, by sending a request to:

  7. Cookies

    Cookies on the website may be used for analytics. Every website visitor can block the use of cookies on the website.

  8. Data protection

    User data within the scope described in §4, collected by the website, is displayed publicly. Data is stored on private and public repositories of and

    The only entities that have access to modify the data are:

    • Users who are data owners
    • Data administrator
  9. The data is collected by the service operator:

    Open Jazdow Partnership
    Jazdow 10/5
    00-467 Warszawa
    NIP: 7010827495
    REGON: 380558414
    KRS: 0000737179

  10. Changes to privacy policy

    Service operator reserves a right to make changes to this policy, in which case they will be published immediately.